This is a web site used for testing various approaches for other web sites. Some of interim results are stored here and then may be integrated into other web sites, such as www.ourladyschapel.org or www.kanugacfo.org.
Hosea Chapter 2 slides (temporary location)
Currently one set of experiments is with the conversion of various text material available on the internet into e-pub and other formats for newer devices. In particular, attemps will be to migrate various documents to be viewable on the Nook and other such devices.

Example 1: St. Basil's: Of the Holy Spirit is available at several sites, such as,

The following is this document (from the later site) rendered in e-pub format:

Example 2: One of Pope John Paul II's: Apostolic Letter Novo Millennio Ineute from the vatican's web site: http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/john_paul_ii/apost_letters/documents (You 'll need to navigate to this from the parent site. Hopefully in the future such letters will be provided in more formats..)

The following is this document attemped in e-pub format:


and also into a PDF format with pages sized for reading on the Nook:
